Per Year

1 publication with ACM ID  /  2010  /  Ambra Molesini
@article{soda-ijaose4, acm = {10.1504/IJAOSE.2010.029808}, author = {Molesini, Ambra and Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea}, doi = {10.1504/IJAOSE.2010.029808}, eissn = {1746-1383}, iris = {11585/83014}, issn = {1746-1375}, journal = {International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering}, keywords = {Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Methodologies, Artifacts, A&A Meta-Model, SODA, Conference Management System}, number = 1, pages = {1--31}, publisher = {Inderscience Publishers}, scopus = {2-s2.0-75649088909}, title = {Agent-based Conference Management: A Case Study in {{\sf SODA, url = {}, urlpdf = {}, volume = 4, year = 2010 } }}}
1 publication in 2010 with ACM ID • topindexbottom