Per Year

2 publications without Scopus ID  /  2010  /  Ambra Molesini
Author = {Natali, Antonio and Molesini, Ambra},
Issn = {2070-3740},
Journal = {World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology},
Month = apr,
Note = {International Conference on Software Engineering and Technology (ICSET 2010), 28--30~} # apr # {~2010, Rome, Italy. Proceedings},
Pages = {69--80},
Publisher = {Academic Science Research},
Title = {Towards Model-driven Communications},
urlpdf = {},
Volume = 64,
Year = 2010}
Address = {Savona, Italy},
Author = {Natali, Antonio and Molesini, Ambra},
Booktitle = {The 5th Workshop of the Italian Eclipse Community (Eclipse-IT 2010)},
Month = {30~} # sep # {--1~} # oct,
Title = {Using {D}omain {S}pecific {L}anguages for Platform-based Software Development: The Case of {A}ndroid},
Url = {},
       isbn  = {9788890438813},
       Publisher = {Eclipse Italian community},
Year = 2010}
2 publications in 2010 without Scopus ID • topindexbottom