Per Year

3 publications without ACM ID  /  2009  /  Ambra Molesini
   author = {Molesini, Ambra and Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea},
   booktitle = {International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2009)},
   editor = {Filipe, Joaquim and Fred, Ana and Sharp, Bernadette},
   iris = {11585/70534},
   isbn = {978-989-8111-66-1},
   location = {Porto, Portugal},
   month = {19--21~} # jan,
   pages = {377--384},
   publisher = {INSTIL},
   scopus = {2-s2.0-70349464966},
   title = {An Agent-based Application for Home Intelligence},
   wos = {000267058000059},
   year = 2009
   author = {Cossentino, Massimo and Molesini, Ambra and Omicini, Andrea and Seidita, Valeria},
   booktitle = {24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2009)},
   editor = {Shin, Sung Y. and Ossowski, Sascha and Menezes, Ronaldo and Viroli, Mirko},
   iris = {11585/899633},
   isbn = {978-1-60558-166-8},
   location = {Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA},
   month = {8--12~} # mar,
   note = {Editorial message},
   pages = {697--698},
   publisher = {ACM},
   scopus = {2-s2.0-72949123438},
   title = {Special Track on: Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Methodologies and Systems},
   volume = {II},
   year = 2009
@book {NMis09,
  author       = {Natali, Antonio AND Molesini, Ambra},
  title        = {Costruire sistemi software: dai modelli al codice},
  year         = {2009},
  publisher    = {Esculapio},
  series       = {Progetto Leonardo},
  month        = {November},
  address      = {Bologna, Italy},
  isbn         = {9788874883349},
  note         = {second edition}

3 publications in 2009 without ACM ID • topindexbottom