Per anno

11 pubblicazioni senza IRIS ID  /  2009  /  Alessandro Ricci
Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Olivier Boissier, Jomi F. Hubner
(articolo in atti) The 2009 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conferences on  Web Intelligence and  Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT'09), 2009
Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Michele Piunti
(articolo in atti) Programming Multi-Agent Systems 7th International Workshop (ProMAS 2009) Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes Computer Science 5919, 2009
Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti, Mirko Viroli
(articolo in atti) Proceedings of MALLOW 2009 federated workshops: LAnguages, methodologies and Development tools for multi-agent systemS (LADS 2009), settembre 2009
Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Olivier Boissier, Jomi F. Hubner
(articolo in atti) Proceedings of Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA 2009), 2009
Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Andrea Santi
(articolo in atti) WOA 2009, 2009
Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci
(articolo in atti) Knowledge Representation for Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5605, 2009
Giulio Piancastelli, Alessandro Ricci, Mattia Minotti
(articolo in atti) 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), 23-26 March 2009
Michele Piunti, Andrea Santi, Alessandro Ricci
(articolo in atti) In Proceedings of Agents, Web Services and Ontologies, Integrated Methodologies (AWESOME-09), 2009
Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Olivier Boissier, Jomi F. Hubner
(articolo in atti) Proceedings of Seventh German conference on Multi-Agent System Technologies (MATES 2009). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5774, 2009
Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti
(articolo in atti) Proceedings of Seventh German conference on Multi-Agent System Technologies (MATES 2009). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5774, 2009
Ferruccio Damiani, Paola Giannini, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli
(articolo in atti) ICSOFT 2009 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference  on Software and Data Technologies, Volume 1, Sofia, Bulgaria,  July 26-29, 2009, luglio 2009
11 pubblicazioni nel 2009 senza IRIS ID • in cimaindicein fondo